LogMeTT 2.9

Free IT helps to create, keep organized connection scripts written on TeraTerm Macro
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Boris Maisuradze
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LogMeTT is the application that works together with popular freeware terminal emulator TeraTerm. LogMeTT helps to create, keep organized and easily accessible connection scripts written on TeraTerm Macro language. Those who frequently log into the same servers using telnet, SSH1/SSH2 or modem connections will find LogMeTT as the very useful tool saving them lots of time.

LogMeTT keeps TeraTerm macro scripts in a hierarchical tree structure that at certain degree can be considered as graphical representation of network topology. Every script has corresponding item in LogMeTT Popup menu that appears from the icon in Windows system tray.
LogMeTT allows to associate specific color schema to each connection that reduces the chance of human error while working with multiple TeraTerm windows on the same desktop.

With LogMeTT user can select group of connection macros and execute them together. Multiple TeraTerm windows will open and automatically tile on the desktop. This feature was introduced as additional time saver when using TeraTerm's Broadcast command mode.

Main features:
-Runs on all 32-bit Microsoft Operating Systems starting Windows 98 and up
-Runs with TeraTerm versions 4.x and up
-Can store unlimited* number of macros in the Connection Tree
-Supports unlimited* number of sub-node levels in the Connection Tree
-Supports Cut, Copy, Paste, Move Up, Move Down, Duplicate, Import, Export operations on Connection Tree nodes
-Contains TeraTerm Macro editor with configurable syntax highlighter, syntax proposal and contextual help features
-Supports macro script Printing with hightlighted syntax in black&white and color modes
-Contains the set of Macro Templates that covers most comonly used connection scenarios
-Keeps Macro Templates in the external plain text file allowing users to build their own Template Libraries
-Supports optional Popup feature to warn user with configurable message prior runing each Macro; user then can Resume or Cancel Macro script execution
-Supports individual color schema for each macro
-Supports macro startup scheduler similar to cron job in Unix/Linux based platforms
-Allows to execute one particular macro script or the chain of scripts belonging to the same branch of Connection Tree
-Allows to execute entire macro script or part of it from the beginning to current cursor position; this helps during script development and testing
-Allows to select and execute together several macro scripts belonging to different nodes of Connection Tree; then optionally tiles all opened TeraTerm windows on the desktop for further use of TeraTerm's Broadcast command
-Supports Connection Tree branch or individual macro import/export operations
-Extends TeraTerm Macro language with the set of configurable Key Words that can be user, connection or OS specific
-Allows to Release and Renew DHCP assigned IP address or addresses in two mouse clicks via items in System Tray Popup menu
-Displays configuration settings of each installed and enabled network adapter
-Comes with command line macro starter RunLTT
-When not in use, can run as background process occupying just about 400K of memory
-Is FREEWARE application distributed without the source code

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I failed to install the license. The error is: "Connection to LogMeTT licensing server was established successfully, however the license transfer FAILED".

Mar 28, 2024 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply

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